According to Forbes contributor Tom Aspray, there is definitely a bearish sentiment in the gold market this week. He also doesn’t feel that gold has completely corrected, yet he acknowledges that August, September, and October usually see gold at its highest demand.
Aspray also indicates that over the long-term gold will probably gain in value. What he doesn’t exactly know is how much further the price of gold will drop before regaining in value.
If for any reason you have considered buying gold, now may be the time to jump in. It is safe to say that at any moment the price of gold could resume its climb and never return to $1600 and below.
The process of buying gold is as simple as finding a gold broker that you trust and who offers gold at market price. The same is true if you want to sell gold.
You have the power to buy gold in the form of gold bullion and/or gold bars. Once you have gold in hand, you can be sure you have a currency that is recognized all over planet earth. No matter where you roam, gold can be bought and sold.
The truth of the matter is that in the short-term there are no absolutes as far as the worth of gold. If the dollar begins to decline, the price of gold will most likely rise. Likewise, if the dollar gains in value, the price of gold will probably fall a bit. In the long-term, experts such as Aspray believe that the price of gold will climb to new heights.
Deciding to buy gold is definitely up to your best judgment. Per Aspray’s thoughts, now may be a conservatively good buying point. The price may drop lower in the near future, but there is no certainty that this will occur.
Looking to gain cash for gold? Gold jewelry, gold watches, and other items are selling at a premium in today’s economy. The secret is to find a gold broker that has extensive reseller channels and truly understands the importance of gold in today’s economy.