It’s very straightforward. Generally, most items are valued based on the karat and weight of the piece. In these cases, we simply determine the karat of the gold by locating a stamp that will say 10k, 14k, 18k. 22k, etc. If there’s no stamp on the item, we do an acid/scratch test to help us determine the karat. The “karat” tells us what percentage of the piece is pure gold. The table below will illustrate these purity levels. In the case of signed jewelry, diamonds, or watches, such as Rolex, Cartier, Tiffany, David Webb, and others, the “resale” market value of the piece will be assessed.

Karat Parts Gold to Alloy Percentage Fineness
10K 10/24 41.67% 417
14K 14/24 58.33% 583
18K 18/24 75.00% 750
22K 22/24 91.66% 917

What Happens Next?

  1. We explain the whole process right in front of you in language you will understand
  2. We weigh the gold
  3. We calculate how much it is worth at today’s current market price
  4. You walk out with a fair price and hopefully satisfied with your decision

We also buy diamonds, watches, gold coins – and more! Visit for more information.