Italians Cashing In Gold At Alarming Rates

Italians Cashing In Gold At Alarming Rates

According to a recent AFP report, cash for gold shops throughout Italy have been receiving high volumes of business as Italian citizens seek creative ways to supplement their incomes. The most popular items going sold at market rate are gold medallions, gold jewelry, gold watches, and gold pieces.

Italy Cash For Gold Shop- Compro Oro

Interestingly enough, Italy has historically had the highest rate of gold ownership in the entire world. Family members would provide gold jewelry and other gold items as gifts. Experts suggest that the high levels of gold jewelry within the country have to do with the fact that gold bullion was illegal until only ten years ago.

“Jewelry was the only form of gold investment allowed and Italian families still own considerable quantities,” said Alessandra Pilloni of the Bullion Vault.

As the financial crisis has intensified throughout Italy, families are breathing a sigh of relief that they can depend on their gold jewelry to fall back on for extra cash.

Within the United States, licensed cash for gold brokers are offering top dollar for high-quality gold in its many forms. It is possible to sell gold jewelry, gold watches, gold bullion, gold bars, and other items for a considerable amount.

With the price of gold above $1600, many individuals are selling gold to reputable gold buyers. Finance experts are predicting the price of gold to rise significantly over the next five to ten years. This is also influencing many Americans to buy gold in its many forms.

To successfully profit from gold, it is recommended that you seek out firms with positive customer reviews. Also, for the transaction to be legal, a cash for gold broker must be certified. With a bit of Internet research, it is possible to find a gold broker that you can trust.

The market for silver and platinum are also quite lucrative throughout the world. You can also bank on the selling high-quality silver and platinum to a leading precious metals broker.

As the financial crisis deepens throughout Italy and in other countries, there is no telling what will happen to the price of gold in the coming years.

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