Have you been considering selling gold but are not quite sure how an item’s worth will be assessed? When you visit a gold broker, you will quickly find that they take the testing of gold and other precious metals very seriously. Methods can include electronic, scratch, and X-ray fluorescence scanning. Once a piece of jewelry or watch is tested for quality, the broker will also consider its brand and other unique qualities to determine its worth.
Electronic Gold Testing
When a broker turns to electronic gold testing, the process includes utilizing a test solution that is dropped onto a test area. He or she will then use the machine to measure in karats the quality of the gold. The results will show on a digital display that you will be able to see prior to a price quote offered for your item.
If for some reason the number of karats differs from the karat amount engraved on the piece, you can ask for a second means of testing. However, it is important to understand that not all karat stamps on jewelry are correct. Throughout history, some jewelry makers have been guilty of wrongly stamping items to gain more money. To further assure the quality of your gold, you can request a scratch test.
Scratch Testing
This method includes the use of a needle and acid solution to confirm or disprove karat levels. The process is relatively simple and results are available pretty quickly. While this process if pretty reliable, you may want ever further proof.
X-Ray Fluorescence Testing
In the case you still have questions surrounding the quality of your gold, a third option is an X-ray fluorescence scan. It is the most powerful and exact method and includes the use of a revolutionary device that provides a detailed analysis of gold. Gold’s quality is measured by wavelength dispersion via the intensity that is generated by the X-ray technology.
The process of understanding the worth of gold is a science. The more you educate yourself on the topic of how to sell gold the better in today’s world!